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YAPC::NA 2006 YAPC::NA 2006

First Shipment

Posted on February 5th, 2006 by Josh

This weekend the first physical YAPC shipment was delivered to my apartment and my wife realized what I meant when I told her that I would be helping organize YAPC this year.

The Chicago Transit Authority, well ahead of schedule, delivered hundreds of transit maps to my apartment. The bundle isn’t that big, but when you are living in a one-bedroom in the middle of Chicago, a few cubic feet is a big deal. There goes my legroom at the office :)

Hope to see a lot of you at the conference so that you can take these off of my hands!!!


One Response to “First Shipment”

  1. Anonymous Coward Says:

    > The Chicago Transit Authority, well ahead of schedule

    I never thought I would see a sentence like that ;)

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